Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Microsoft Teams PWA with Angular & Chromium

Microsoft Teams is a new, very fast growing member of Office family.
It competes with Slack, a very popular app for enterprise (and other) collaboration.
Microsoft Teams is included in some of Office 365 subscriptions and is well integrated.

Architecture of Teams is a bit unusual for Microsoft product:
it is based on client side web technologies, including Angular and related,
and is packaged with "web shell" based on Electron/Chromium.
Essentially Microsoft is leveraging some Google's open source tools for new flagship product!

very informative interview:
The latest in Teams - MS Dev Show Podcast

Microsoft Teams PWA (Progressive Web App) Preview, but for Windows 10 S Mode only? - Tom Talks

"Microsoft Teams is built from the ground up using modern web technologies; Angular, TypeScript, Webpack, SASS and more. It uses over 200 different OSS components and is designed to share as much code as possible between different clients."

Screenshot of the "More options" menu next to the channel name, with the Connectors option selected

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