Thursday, November 30, 2017

Windows "Sets" web-browser-like tabbed apps

Microsoft shows off Windows ‘Sets,’ a tabbed app interface that puts a web browser everywhere | TechCrunch

Sets in Windows 10 - YouTube

An update on what's coming next for Windows Insiders - Windows Insider

"Windows 10 feature ... calling “Sets” (not landed on a name yet). With Sets, what belongs together stays together — making it easier and faster to create and be productive. The concept behind this experience is to make sure that everything related to your task: relevant webpages, research documents, necessary files and applications, is connected and available to you in one click."

With this, Windows 10 will slightly resemble Chrome OS, where this is the only way apps work,
but "Sets" are better, since it keeps open apps together, and can re-open them on another computer also!

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