Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Kubernetes for Cloud Containers; CNCF

Amazon Web Services chooses its Kubernetes path, joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation – GeekWire

"Just weeks after Microsoft signaled its support for a key cloud computing industry foundation, Amazon Web Services has followed suit, joining the Cloud Native Computing Foundation"

"The CNCF ... is playing a key role in advancing projects like Kubernetes and cloud computing in 

Microsoft unveils Azure Container Instances, joins Cloud Native group, isolating AWS on Kubernetes – GeekWire

"Kubernetes is pulling more companies into its orbit. The container-orchestration service was originally developed inside Google, before it was open-sourced and donated to the CNCF in 2015. Two years later, Kubernetes has emerged as a key cloud technology for managing containers, which allow developers to package their applications into distinct components that can run anywhere."

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