Sunday, April 09, 2017

cloud appliances, serverless functions (Azure Stack, AWS Snowball)

The simplest and most efficient way to scale and deploy SaaS platform are microservices functions.
Internally they are usually based on some variation of containers.

Demand for "hybrid cloud", that includes running subset of "cloud" features on premise or on remote location produced "cloud appliances" like AWS Snowball and Azure Stack.
One of services that are being added to those appliances are cloud functions.

The design approach from Amazon and Microsoft is different, reflecting their background.
Microsoft provides and manages software and working with select hardware partners.
Amazon sells real appliance, almost like a Kindle tablet reader just much bigger.

Microsoft’s Azure Stack preview adds support for Azure Functions and App Service | TechCrunch

Microsoft’s Azure Stack Delayed to Allow Partners Time to Certify Hardware | Hybrid Cloud content from Windows IT Pro
"Microsoft will be tapping HPE, Dell, and Lenovo to start, to provide Azure Stack certified hardware and services to help companies create internal clouds based on Microsoft’s One Azure Ecosystem"

Deploy App Service in an Offline Environment - Azure Stack | Microsoft Docs

Using AWS Lambda with a Snowball Edge - AWS Snowball

What Is AWS Snowball? - AWS Snowball

        The Snowball is a big grey suitcase-looking thing that's loud and weighs under 50

AWS Snowmobile – Massive Exabyte-Scale Data Transfer Service
AWS Snowmobile

Google Search Appliance 7.6 - Google Enterprise Search

Google Search Appliance: So Long |
"Google has decided to sunset the hardware-based Google Search Appliance (GSA) and focus their engineering efforts on cloud-based solutions."

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