Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tesla: full self-driving hardware (!)

Tesla brings full-featured self-driving hardware to all its vehicles | VentureBeat | OffBeat | by Harrison Weber

"Tesla announced today that all of the cars it produces will now include upgraded self-driving hardware. Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the hardware will enable all future Teslas to achieve “level 5 autonomy.

But that doesn’t mean Tesla’s upgraded cars are fully self-driving today — the software required for this level of autonomy isn’t ready, but Tesla promises to introduce new features over time with over-the-air software updates.
Tesla officially announced the Model 3 in March, and now (half a year later) Musk says the Model 3 will include “full self-driving hardware” as a standard feature."

"New Teslas will have eight cameras “instead of one,” said Musk. “And the compute power on the computer has increased by a factor of 40. It’s basically a supercomputer in the car.”

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