Sunday, August 14, 2016

multi-cloud dev tool: Mantle (Azure + AWS + on-premises)

Mantle Logo
GitHub - caseywatson/Mantle @ GitHub

"Mantle is a framework for building massively scalable .NET-based applications that can be hosted either on-premises or on a variety of public cloud providers including Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. (MIT license)"

podcast interview with author, Casey Watson, an Architect in the AzureCAT team
"These are the small, expert-level teams whose sole job is to make sure customers are successful with Microsoft technology."
"Mantle is designed to allow developers to consume cloud-based PaaS resources through a set of abstractions and currently supports Amazon AWS (S3, SQS), Microsoft Azure (Storage, Service Bus) and Windows-based on-premises (File System, MSMQ)."

Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (mapping of services)

The best cloud platform - Microsoft Azure vs. AWS | Azure

25 Best Tools for Managing the Multi Cloud Platform | Arnaud Roussignol, MS | Pulse | LinkedIn

Multicloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

another IT (not dev) tool for acceding multiple "drives"
Manage, Move, Copy, and Migrate Files Between Cloud Storage Services with MultCloud

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