Saturday, July 02, 2016

Open Source Ecology (Autonomous $25K House)

podcast interview Marcin Jakubowski on Open Source Ecology: From Mud Hut to Singularity in 1 Day @ Singularity one on one (weblog)

Open Source Ecology
Tools and eco-house build from ground up with open source designs.

Global Village Construction Set by Marcin Jakubowski — Kickstarter

Global Village Construction Set - Open Source Ecology

Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization | TED Talk |

TEDxKC - Marcin Jakubowski - Civilization Starter Kit - YouTube

Quote by George Bernard Shaw:
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world:
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

The reasonable man adapts... -

Victor Hugo - Wikiquote
"Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come."

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