Tuesday, May 17, 2016

book: Grit = Passion + Perseverance

Grit Book Cover

Grit by Angela Duckworth | Brian Johnson

Grit by Angela Duckworth - YouTube
review by Brian Johnson

  • Grit = Passion + Perseverance
    (West Point "beast barracks")
  • Talent * Effort = Skills
    Skills * Effort = Achievement
  • Gritty Passion: passion that endures, ultimate concern
  • Grow Grit
    • from inside out
    • from outside in (i.e. parenting)
  • Psichological Assets:
    • Interest
    • Practice
    • Purpose (service)
    • Hope
  • Wise Parenting (from Latin, "to bring forth" potential in children)
    • +Warmth +Standards= Supportive
    • -Warmth +Standards= Authoritative
    • +Warmth -Standards = Permisive
    • -Warmth -Standards = Neglect
Angela Duckworth: "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" | Talks at Google - YouTube
Talent is important (a speed of acquiring new skills),
but without perseverance does not help finish what is started.

Spirit of Kaizen, contiguous improvement, (directed) deliberate practice:

  • Extremely Intentional (very specific goals, problem solving)
  • 100% Focus (practicing with great effort)
  • Feedback, ideally immediate and information rich
  • Reflect and refinement, and try again

TEDxBlue - Angela Lee Duckworth, Ph.D - 10/18/09 - YouTube

Grit Scale - Android Apps on Google Play

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