Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Multiply your time" (!)

  How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville - YouTube

"There is no 'time-management', there is only 'self-management'"

"3-dimensional-thinking" multiplier: 
  • Urgency: how soon does it matter
  • Importance: how much does it matter
  • Significance: how long does it matter
How to make decisions based not only on Importance and Urgency but also on Significance

Jeff Sutherland - Google Search
Dr. Jeff Sutherland is one of the inventors of the Scrum software development process. Together with Ken Schwaber, he created Scrum as a formal process at OOPSLA'95. Jeff helped to write the Agile Manifesto in 2001. Wikipedia

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