Saturday, December 26, 2015

Kudu tools: for Azure Web Apps, and Haddop

KUDU is an open source web application for managing WebApps (WebSites) on Azure.
projectkudu/kudu @ GitHub (Apache 2.0 license)
"Kudu is the engine behind git deployments in Azure Web Sites. It can also run outside of Azure."

Using KUDU with Microsoft Azure Web Apps - benjamin perkins - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"There is a nice set of troubleshooting and analysis tools for use with Microsoft Azure Web Apps (formerlly Web Sites) called KUDU. Information about that tool set can be found here
To access your KUDU console, using your DEPLOYMENT credentials, navigate tohttps://***** where ***** is the name of your Web App."

Windows Azure Websites online tools you should know about | Microsoft Azure Blog

There is another completely different tool also called "Kudu":

Kudu: New Apache Hadoop Storage for Fast Analytics on Fast Data - Cloudera Engineering Blog
"This new open source complement to HDFS and Apache HBase is designed to fill gaps in Hadoop’s storage layer that have given rise to stitched-together, hybrid architectures."

Kudu is actually a name of an African animal:
Kudu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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