Wednesday, September 16, 2015

book: Exponential Organizations (& S-curves) (!)

podcast interview: Salim Ismail on Exponential Organizations @ singularityweblog

"Salim has spent the last six years building Singularity University as its founding Executive Director and current Global Ambassador. SU is based at NASA Ames and is training a new generation of leaders to manage exponentially growing technologies."

book: Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it): Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone, Yuri van Geest, Peter H. Diamandis: 9781626814233: Books
Exponential Organizations

book's web site: Exponential Organizations

"An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose impact (or output) is disproportionally large — at least 10x larger — compared to its peers because of the use of new organizational techniques that leverage exponential technologies.
Our organizational structures have evolved mainly to manage scarcity of people, money and assets / resources. The concept of ownership works well for scarcity Accessing or sharing works better in an abundant, information-based world."

Massive Transformative Purpose, or MTP—the higher, aspirational purpose of the organization. Every ExO we know has one. Some aim to transform the planet, others just an industry. But radical transformation is the name of the game.

Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it): O'Reilly - Safari Books Online

Top (100) Exponential Organizations :: Powered by Rokk3r Labs

Exponential Organizations Quotes by Salim Ismail

Market Cap to a Billion

It's not exponential, it's sigmoidal - O'Reilly Radar by Tim O'Reilly
exponential vs. linear and cubic curvessigmoidal curve

"... all that talk about the exponential growth of various web sites.
Don’t people realize that those curves are actually sigmoidal?”...

These curves look exponential but eventually they do flatten out. In fact, one of the most important sigmoidal functions is the logistic function,"

"A logistic function or logistic curve is a common "S" shape (sigmoid curve), with equation:"

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