Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Windows 10 VS 2015 Project Templates

Visual Studio 2015 comes only with "blank" Windows 10 app template....
No time, or to get more variety of app designs?
Here is one solution, from "community":

Go beyond "Blank App" with these Windows 10 VS 2015 Project Templates | Coding4Fun Blog | Channel 9

"UWP: new VS2015 project templates
  • Blank App, a basic XAML project with a single XAML page. Similar to the standard Blank App template, included in the Windows 10 tools, but without the Application Insights telemetry stuff.
  • SplitView App, a multi-page app project with adaptive split view layout
  • Composition App, a framework-less project for creating apps using the visual layer and Windows.UI.Composition APIs
  • Composition XAML App, a project for both XAML and Windows.UI.Composition APIs
The UWP Templates extension supports Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition and up. The extension is available in the Visual Studio Gallery. The full source code of the extension is available at GitHub."


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