Saturday, August 22, 2015

web dev tutorials: Azure DocumentDB, Aurelia+node.js

tutorial: Build a web application with ASP.NET MVC using DocumentDB | Microsoft Azure

Screen shot of the Azure preview portal, highlighting the New button, Data + storage in the Create blade, and Azure DocumentDB in the Data + Storage blade

DocumentDB - NoSQL data management | Microsoft Azure

podcast interview: Diving into Aurelia with Julie Lerman @ .NET Rocks!
using Entity Framework (EF6/EF7) to connect to NoSQL DocumentDB database also.

ASP.NET 5 @ GitHub

Alternative: using Aurelia for web UI with data binding to Web API

tutorial: zewa666/aurelia-node  @ GitHub
"This is a NodeJS Express App bundled with the Skeleton App of the Aurelia platform. It sets up a standard navigation-style app using gulp to build your ES6 code with the babel compiler. Karma/Jasmine testing is also configured.
For more info please visit the official site:"

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