Thursday, August 20, 2015

Twitter as Semantic Web platfrom

An interesting analysis of usage of Twitter @ and # identifiers to extract meaning from messages.

Semantics of Social Media | Kurt Cagle | LinkedIn
Lack of #DataScientists poses @SKA_telescope problem: … #BigData #Astronomy#DataScience (see also @LSST)

This entry (chosen pretty much at random) has the following characteristics:
@user-references (@SKA_telescope)
#topical-references (#BigData)
shortened links (
Account originator (@KirkDBorne)
Message identifier (not shown, but every twitter message has one, typically a GUID: f9732f07-ab02-46d4-b869-215e36576dc5, which I'll shorten to f9732f07)
A time stamp (not shown)
Retweet-reference (not shown, but typically an internal link to a previous tweet).
Additional human text message.

After many years it is clear that good ideas of Semantic Web could not be utilized without platform.
There is no much value for standard without tools that support it, and both standards and tools
need to evolve quickly, as "classic web" did.

Semantic Web related technology is used used by Google and others, but data on the web are still very unstructured and difficult to process. It may be time for "data smart-er web..."

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