Sunday, June 21, 2015

ML: Amazon Machine Learning, Reviews

As usual, Amazon is both using and selling its new service, "Machine Learning"

Amazon looks to improve customer-reviews system with machine learning - CNET
"Amazon is rolling out a big change to its customer reviews system in the US, introducing a new machine-learning platform it developed in-house to surface newer and more helpful reviews."
Amazon dumbs down machine learning for the rest of us | InfoWorld
"It was only a matter of time. What with Google, IBM, and Microsoft now offering cloud-based machine learning services of various kinds, Amazon's been obliged to step up with its own such product.

Amazon's just-unveiled service, Amazon Machine Learning (or AML for short), offers simplified ways to make both batch- and real-time predictions from data stored in Amazon."

Click to Enlarge

It would be interesting to compare results of multiple ML platforms now available online... 

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