Tuesday, June 16, 2015

IoT: Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast (!)

presentation: Best Practices for Creating IoT Solutions with Azure | Build 2015 | Channel 9

slides: 2-611.pptx
  • "Build to an architecture that will scale, but start prototyping with a small number of devices.
  • It’s hard to predict what data provides value -- which impacts which sensors and devices are necessary -- until you build something.
  • It’s much easier to work through through device identity, management/update and security at small scale."

    Pattern: Telemetry first
Three Ways to Think Big and Start Small @ Forbes

  • "Get in the Right Frame of Mind
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment
  • Brush Up on Your History Lessons"
Start Small, Think Big, Move Fast

free e-book mix: Building an Optimized Business - O'Reilly Media

"disruption is driving business and changing entire industries. IT isn't just moving beyond its supporting role in business operations, it's becoming inseparable from it. Every business is becoming a digital business and "innovate or die" is the business mantra of the day."

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