Sunday, May 10, 2015

IoT: $9 computer "CHIP" (!)

The World's First $9 Computer: Meet Chip by Next Thing Co.
"...Oakland, CA is Next Thing Co. a team of nine artists and engineers who are pursuing the dream of a lower cost single board computer. Today they’ve unveiled their progress on Kickstarter, offering a $9 development board called Chip.

The board is Open Hardware, runs a flavor of Debian Linux, and boasts a 1Ghz R8 ARM processor, 512MB of RAM, and 4GB of eMMC storage. It is more powerful than a Raspberry Pi B+ and equal to the BeagleBone Black in clock speed, RAM, and storage. Differentiating Chip from Beagle is its built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, and the ease in which it can be made portable, thanks to circuitry that handles battery operation."

Meet Chip, the $9 computer

"spend an additional $10 (VGA) or $15 (HDMI) if you want high-resolution video, but as-is, it's an amazing price for a complete system capable of running Linux out of the box."

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