Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Azure IoT Security @ Build 2015

A nice overview of IoT challenges and Azure-based solutions
by Clemens Vasters, Architect on the Azure IoT team.
Stories about safety vs. security, telemetry, monitoring large number of "things", handling protocols,
using protocol (field, service) gateways and in/out message boxes for effective communication with devices, such large fleets of moving  vehicles etc.

A few quotes:
  • "IoT is currently at the top of hype, most about IoT is written in magazines and brochures,
    not as code in programs" Soon this will change when people start making production systems, and will need tools. 
  • "There is no 'S' in VPN"
    VPN is "fusing" networks, and making protecting security harder. 
Azure IoT Security | Build 2015 | Channel 9

Azure IoT Hub

Event Hubs - Cloud big data solutions | Microsoft Azure

Getting Started with Azure IoT services: Event Hubs | Rob Tiffany

Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle
"The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is a software development process that helps developers build more secure software and address security compliance requirements while reducing development cost"

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