Monday, April 06, 2015

startups: by Andy Rubin

Android Creator Andy Rubin Launching Playground Global - WSJ
"Playground won’t invest in startups, but will take equity stakes in return for its support.
Playground also plans to help entrepreneurs with distribution, manufacturing, financing and ways to integrate their devices with remote computing resources known as the cloud.
This approach is common in Silicon Valley and is known as an incubator or accelerator. Mr. Rubin described Playground as a “studio,” where inventors, tinkerers and entrepreneurs can focus on building new gadgets and not worry about other aspects of running a business."

Our aim is to free the creators to create,” he said in an interview. “By bringing these partners to the table we can remove many of the roadblocks of bringing a great idea to market.”
H-P, which sells computers and printers in more than 100 countries, will help Playground startups distribute their products globally, Mr. Rubin said. Google, Tencent and Seagate will help startups work with the cloud, he said. Redpoint will advise startups on financing and may invest in companies that emerge from Playground"

Playground Global (

The name is far from unique, but the domain name is interesting, ".global" TLD

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