Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Azure App Service: Web, Mobile, Logic, API

Azure "Web Sites" are now called "Web Apps,"
and now also include support for Mobile apps, Web API, and "Logic" integration

Azure March Announcment
Scott Guthrie announces an exciting new Microsoft Azure service for application developers.

ScottGu's Blog - Announcing the new Azure App Service
"Azure App Service includes the Web App + Mobile App capabilities that we previously delivered separately (as Azure Websites + Azure Mobile Services). It also includes powerful new Logic/Workflow App and API App capabilities that we are introducing today for the very first time - along with built-in connectors that make it super easy to build logic workflows that integrate with dozens of popular SaaS and on-premises applications (Office 365, SalesForce, Dynamics, OneDrive, Box, DropBox, Twilio, Twitter, Facebook, Marketo, and more)."

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