Tuesday, March 31, 2015

IoT education: BBC "Micro Bit" for 1 million UK kids aged 11

In Bid To Get British Kids Coding, BBC To Give Away 1 Million ‘Micro Bit’ Computers | TechCrunch
"BBC has announced that it is to produce a new educational mini-computer — codenamed the ‘Micro Bit’, a play on the broadcaster’s original ‘BBC Micro‘ computer — and will give away 1 million devices to British school kids aged 11. It will be distributed nationwide from autumn 2015.

...BBC partner with over 25 organisations to develop the Micro Bit, including chip-makers ARM and Nordic Semiconductor, Microsoft, and Samsung..."

BBC gives children mini-computers in Make it Digital scheme - BBC News

BBC - The Micro Bit - Media centre

BBC Micro Bit will complement Raspberry Pi not compete with it | Technology | The Guardian

BBC Micro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (1981, produced by Accorn)
BBC Micro Front Restored.jpg
ARM architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Acorn RISC Machine; The first ARM application was as a second processor for the BBC Micro 

Globally, as of 2013, ARM is the most widely used 32-bit instruction set architecture in terms of quantity produced

podcast: Accelerating Agile with Dan North @ .NET Rocks!

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