Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Azure Web API Metadata Format: Swagger

Introducing Azure API Apps - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
As part of the Azure SDK 2.5.1 release, a new feature called Azure API Apps were included. This new feature raises the capabilities of ASP.NET Web API, extending it with Swagger metadata while providing a simple to manage interface in the Azure Portal. Extend your API with authentication and no code changes, or generate an SDK for your API with a few clicks. A full definition of API Apps and their capabilities is available in the online Azure documentation. Video coverage of the API Apps announcement with Scott Guthrie is available online:

Azure App Service API Apps with Scott Hunter

An Overview of REST Metadata Formats | API UX
"Swagger is a REST metadata format being developed by Reverb, a spinoff from the Wordnik team. Swagger uses JSON (although it supports XML) and JSON-Schema to describe REST APis and their parameters and messages. Just like ioDocs it includes an open-sourced UI (swagger-ui, entirely in HTML/javascript) double-serving as documentation and ad-hoc testing utility, but Swaggers’ strength lies in its ecosystem available at GitHub for generating both code for a number of different languages and Swagger definitions themselves via (for example) java annotations."

Swagger Creator Wants to Build Better SOAP for Web APIs @ InfoQ
Tony Tam, the creator of Swagger and CEO of Reverb, gave a well attended talk on
Swagger APIs for humans (and robots),

video: funconf 2013, Tony Tam: Rapid REST API development with Swagger + Scala - YouTube

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