Sunday, February 15, 2015

mobile: Cyanogen: Android + Windows?

if you can't beat them, join them - Wiktionary

Microsoft to invest in Cyanogen, which hopes to take Android from Google | Ars Technica
"According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft will be investing in Cyanogen, Inc., the Android ROM builder. The report says that Microsoft would be a "minority investor" in a $70 million round of financing that values Cyanogen in the "high hundreds of millions.""
With current smartphone hardware, there is no technical limitation to run multiple platforms, Android JavaVM and WinRT .NET for example, as well as Chrome/Spartan and Mozilla Web apps. 

CyanogenMod may need a better name for wider audience, so they could mix Android and Windows to AndroWin for example :) With recent Microsoft open-sourcing of .NET, that may be possible. They the users could access 
  • Android apps from Google store and 
  • Windows apps from Microsoft store, and 
  • Web apps from many places. 
The name Androwin is already used for running Android apps on Windows desktop, but as Apple has demonstrated with iPhone (that was first trademarked by Cisco), getting name is not a significant issue. 

So the mix may be the best of all worlds. Or is it?
The world does not need more platforms and confusion.
It needs a common apps platform, and open apps marketplace for developers and users. 
That is where Microsoft could help. 
Like Xamarin, but simpler, free, and cloud based. 

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