Sunday, December 07, 2014

2014 Data Science Salary Survey

2014 Data Science Salary Survey (free ebook)

Tools, Trends, What Pays (and What Doesn't) for Data Professionals
Publisher: O'Reilly

Lumia Imaging SDK, for Windows also

Lumia Nokia Apis Imaging:

"Lumia Imaging SDK 1.2 – now graduated from beta - is ready for the converged Microsoft Windows platform, giving you access to a powerful library of exciting image-manipulation tools, which makes creating the next generation of imaging apps for Windows and Windows Phone 8.1 devices quicker and easier. "

Lumia App Labs #19 - Introducing Nokia Imaging SDK 1.1 - YouTube

NuGet Gallery | Nokia Imaging SDK 1.2.151

IoT: Smart Internet of Things (!)

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SSpecificSignificant, stretching, simple, sustainable
MMeasurableMotivational, manageable, meaningful
AAchievableAppropriate, agreed,[6][14] assignable, attainable,[11] actionable, action-oriented,[5] adjustable, ambitious,[9] aligned with corporate goals,[15] aspirational, acceptable, aggressive
RRelevantResult-based, results-oriented, resourced,[16] resonant, realistic,[6][8][9][11][14][13] reasonable[5]
TTime-boundTime-oriented, time-framed, timed, time-based,[10] timeboxed, time-specific, timetabled, time limited,[12] time/cost limited,[6]trackable, tangible, timely,[5] time-sensitive,[11] timeframe[13]
Being Smart About the Internet of Things

"IoT (the Internet of Things) has reached the peak of inflated expectations; or the very top of Gartner’s hype cycle of emerging technologies."
Being Smart About the Internet of Things image The Internet of Things in Gartners Hype Cycle for emerging technologies via Network World4

Being Smart About the Internet of Things image According to Cisco more than 99 percent of things in the physical world are not connected to the Internet yet read the full article4

IoT: South Korean “Smart City” Songdo

SparkLabs To Launch Its Internet Of Things Accelerator In South Korean “Smart City” Songdo | TechCrunch
"SparkLabs, one of the leading incubators in Seoul’s rapidly growing startup ecosystems, announced today that it will launch its Internet of Things Accelerator in Songdo International Business District in early 2015. A $35 billion private real estate development that will contain 80,000 apartments, 50 million square feet of office space, and 10 million square feet of retail space when it is completed next year, Songdo is one of the world’s first specially designed “smart cities.”"

"This means that the city was developed with a technological infrastructure that supports connected Internet services and products in public spaces and residences. For example, the city is filled with sensors that can monitor temperature, energy use, and traffic flow, as well as amenities like charging stations for electric cars."