Sunday, December 07, 2014

IoT: Smart Internet of Things (!)

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SSpecificSignificant, stretching, simple, sustainable
MMeasurableMotivational, manageable, meaningful
AAchievableAppropriate, agreed,[6][14] assignable, attainable,[11] actionable, action-oriented,[5] adjustable, ambitious,[9] aligned with corporate goals,[15] aspirational, acceptable, aggressive
RRelevantResult-based, results-oriented, resourced,[16] resonant, realistic,[6][8][9][11][14][13] reasonable[5]
TTime-boundTime-oriented, time-framed, timed, time-based,[10] timeboxed, time-specific, timetabled, time limited,[12] time/cost limited,[6]trackable, tangible, timely,[5] time-sensitive,[11] timeframe[13]
Being Smart About the Internet of Things

"IoT (the Internet of Things) has reached the peak of inflated expectations; or the very top of Gartner’s hype cycle of emerging technologies."
Being Smart About the Internet of Things image The Internet of Things in Gartners Hype Cycle for emerging technologies via Network World4

Being Smart About the Internet of Things image According to Cisco more than 99 percent of things in the physical world are not connected to the Internet yet read the full article4

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