Saturday, December 27, 2014

VS2015: Bower, Grunt

Manage Client-Side Web Development in Visual Studio 2015, Using Grunt and Bower | The ASP.NET Site
With Visual Studio 2015, you can:
  • Easily manage client-side packages like jQuery, Bootstrap, or Angular.
  • Automatically run build tasks such as LESS compilation, JavaScript minification, JSLint, or JavaScript unit tests.
  • Take advantage of a rich ecosystem of tools created by the web development community.
To enable these scenarios, Visual Studio 2015 Preview has built-in support for several popular third-party tools:
  • Bower. Described as a “package manager for the web,” Bower lets you install and restore client-side packages, include JavaScript and CSS libraries. For server-side libraries like the MVC 6 framework, you will still use NuGet Package Manager.
  • Grunt and Gulp. Grunt and Gulp are JavaScript-based task runners. If you aren’t familiar with these, a task runner is an app that automates routine development tasks. Right now, the ASP.NET 5.0 project template uses Grunt.
  • npm (Node Package Manager). npm is a package manager that was originally created for Node.js. Bower, Grunt, and Gulp all use npm.

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