Wednesday, December 17, 2014

IoT: more about Things than about Internet

The Internet Of Things' Best-Kept Secret
"The Internet of Things is more about the things than about the Internet
...The Internet is not going through a radical transformation ...It’s evolving. 
But the step-function change is happening in the things
Creating, operating, and servicing smart, connected products is what the Internet of Things is all about,
Today, part of the product is hardware and part of it is software and part of the software is in the product and part of it is in the cloud and the cloud has a whole new computing architecture. You need a data center before you can sell the first widget now.
But why connect the product to the Internet? “The number one reason,” says Heppelmann, “is to service them better. The number two reason is to operate them better.” But the sum of the changes is greater than the parts, resulting in improved, even new, business models. It’s a business transformation driven by digitization."

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