Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dashboarding: Data Analysis

Dashboarding: The Developers’ Role in Data Analysis @ InfoQ
by Seth Juarez on Dec 06, 2014

Visual display 
the most important information needed to achieve
one or more objectives
fits entirely on a single computer screenso it can be
monitored at a glance

Categorizing dashboards:
  • strategic – long term decisions
  • analytical – intermediate decisions, interactive, explorative
  • operational – Immediate decisions
12 mistakes:
  • too big
  • missing context
  • excessive detail
  • deficient measure
  • inappropriate visualization
  • meaningless variety
  • poorly designed visualization
  • large lie factor
  • poor arrangement
  • bad highlighting
  • chartjunk
  • unattractive display
Simplicity works best
  • reduce non-data pixels (data-ink ratio)
  • eliminate all unnecessary non-data pixels
  • de-emphasize and regularize the non-data pixels that remain
highlight appropriately
  • pre-attentive attributes of visual p
  • – color – hue / intensity (HSL)
  • – position – x, y location
  • – form – orientation, line length, line
  • shape, added marks, enclosure
  • – motion – Me! Me!

Business Dashboard Fundamentals – Pluralsight Training

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