Sunday, December 28, 2014

d3.js data visualization: sleep in USA

As expected, personal (fitness) big data are being visualized for new insights... Using d3.js.
It just may be that data are not typical, since those who wear Jawbone may not be typical.

In addition to d3.js, the page is using JavaScript library Highcharts - Highmaps JavaScript maps
that is "free for non-commercial use" with Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported — CC BY-NC 3.0 license.

Which Cities Get the Most Sleep? - The Jawbone Blog
UP24 Navy Blue

This Map Claims to Show When People Go to Sleep - ABC News
PHOTO: Average bedtime by U.S. county, according to Jawbone UP users.
LOOK: What Time Does America Go To Bed? @ huffingtonpost

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