Saturday, October 18, 2014

Flying Cars

The flying car that really could be coming to a road
"The AeroMobil can fly 430 miles on a tank of petrol – and when its wings fold down, it’ll fit into a normal parking space."

Elon Musk: Yes on Tunnels, Meh on Flying Cars | Re/code
“If the sky was full of cars flying all over the place, it would affect the skyline, and it would be noisier, and there would be a greater probability of something falling on your head,” said Musk, who is CEO of both electric car company Tesla and commercial space travel company SpaceX. “Those are not good things. I get that you could get from one place to another faster. But if you eliminate the choke points in cities …”

And how exactly would those choke points be eliminated, asked moderator Walter Isaacson.

Tunnels,” was Musk’s one-word answer."

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