Saturday, October 04, 2014

data: Fixing the World, Bang-for-the-Buck

Freakonomics » Fixing the World, Bang-for-the-Buck Edition: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast:
"Here’s $2.5 trillion. You have 15 years to spend it. How do you distribute this money in a way that will achieve the most good for the world?"

From transcript:
"Just to give you one example, you can probably save one person from dying from malaria for about $1,000. You can probably save one person from dying from HIV/AIDs for about $10,000. Now, both are good deals, but you have to ask yourself, ‘Don’t we want to first save 10 people from malaria before you save one person from HIV?’"

"Copenhagen Consensus Center, which tries to calculate the best return on investment (ROI) for each dollar spent on development aid."

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