Saturday, August 30, 2014

Windows 7 Support Ends January 2015, 8.1 August 2014

Microsoft Windows 7 Mainstream Support to End Starting January 2015:

"Microsoft is set to pull the plug on mainstream support for Windows 7, the operating system that continues to run on more than 50% of the world's computers.

Windows 7 users across the globe will be pointed towards Microsoft's extended-support scheme from January 2015, where security fixes will be provided free of cost by the company, but hotfix updates will need to be paid for."

Microsoft Focussing Intensively on Windows 9: Announces 'Business' 'End of Support' for Windows 8.1

According to a ZDNet report, business users will need to switch from using Windows 8.1 OS, to using Windows 8.1 update 1, by 12 August 2014.

So, to get "updates", you must first get "update 1." :) Brilliant marketing...  

Windows updates are becoming a real challenge even for regular users, not to mention admins. 
Is it time for Chrome-like auto updates, that are small and fast?

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