Sunday, May 25, 2014


A near-miss on 20000 ft with a passenger airplane...

Things are getting serious...

podcast: American Drones Moving In At Home | On Point with Tom Ashbrook:

Big and lethal American drones have changed the equation of global power projection in the last decade. Raised big moral and legal and strategic questions in skies around the world. Now, a swarm of smaller drones is chomping at the bit to flood America’s skies. The FAA is still working out the rules, but some aren’t waiting. We had a near-miss with an airliner just reported in Florida. They’re calling it the Wild West up there. And it’s just begun
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3D Robotics develops innovative, flexible and reliable personal drones and UAV technology for everyday exploration and business applications.

Now working with Google on 3D mobile project "Tango"...

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