Saturday, March 22, 2014

TED “Negropodamus”: IoT, Knowledge Pills

“Negropodamus” disses Internet of Things, predicts knowledge pills | Ars Technica:

"TED’s 30th anniversary kicked off with MIT MediaLab founder Nicholas Negroponte, who took the stage to recount his 40-plus years of experience as a technology experimenter and visionary....

Yet technology is in some sense moving backward right now, dumbing things down and skewing innovation. Negroponte took an opportunity to bash the “Internet of Things” as it's presently marketed, rightly noting that it’s often little more than putting “an oven control on your phone...”

... In 30 years, Negroponte said, we’re going to be able to literally ingest information. Once information is in your bloodstream, some kind of mechanism could deposit the information in the brain. You could take a pill and learn English or the works of Shakespeare...

Nicholas Negroponte at TED2014 | TED Blog

Nicholas Negroponte | Speaker | TED

Nicholas Negroponte - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nicholas Negroponte: in 1984, makes 5 predictions

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