Monday, January 13, 2014

Windows 9 is coming

Windows 9 is coming: Feels like Windows Phone all over again | ZDNet:
codename 'Threshold'
"Windows 8.1, which is a substantial and free upgrade with major improvements over the original release, is in use on less than 25 million PCs at the moment."
"It's not the post-PC era that Microsoft needs to be concerned with, it's the post-Windows era."

"Threshold" to be Called Windows 9, Ship in April 2015 | Windows 8 content from Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows

Thurrott speculates that a windowed version of Metro will run on the desktop

That should have been from the start, and with same OS for phone and tablets.
Add an Android VM to the mix, and this would make a nice package.

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