Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Martin Fowler: Workflows of Refactoring

Nice web slides navigation (and useful information!)

Workflows of Refactoring  by Martin Fowler

TDD "red-green-refactor cycle"
  • Red: Add a Test
  • Green: Make it work: 
  • Refactor: Make it Clean
The metaphor of Two Hats ("You can only wear one hat at a time")

  • Adding code
  • Refactoring
Litter-Pickup Refactoring

This is often referred to as the boy-scout rule.
Always leave the code better than when you found it.

Comprehension Refactoring

clear code, like clear writing, is hard to do

"People should be always on the look-out for substandard code. Often as a team learns, code written a few months ago can now seem lacking, and should be fixed."

Preparatory Refactoring
A common analogy for this is prep work before painting.

Planned Refactoring
schedule refactoring as part of their planned work,

Long-Term Refactoring
large-scale restructuring

Martin Fowler Presented Workflows of Refactoring: @ InfoQ

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