Thursday, January 16, 2014

ClojureScript vs JavaScript, Clojure code.async

Himera Synonym:
side-by-side examples in ClojureScript and "native" JavaSctipt.
(ClojureScript is Clojure complied to JavaScript)

clojure/clojurescript @ GitHub

Clojure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Core.async - Communicating Sequential Processes using Channels, in Clojure @ InfoQ
"Rich Hickey presents the motivation, design and use of the Clojure core.async library, the reasons for choosing the CSP approach and how it helps to structure applications"
Clojure core.async @ InfoQ

Instead of "syntactic sugar" like async/await in C# and similar concepts in Scala,
Clojure is being extended by macros for adding dedicated queuing of requests.
He claims that greatly simplifies code compared to typical "callback" based async handling.

ClojureScript 101

core.async/examples/walkthrough.clj at master · clojure/core.async @ GiHub

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