Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Udacity: Data Science & Big Data Track (Free vs. Full)

Udacity Blog: Sebastian Thrun: Launching our Data Science & Big Data Track built with Leading Industry Partners:

There is still "Free" and a now there are some "Full" courses.
Price: $150/month per class, to get coaching and other help.

Compared with standard corporate training and colleges / universities
that price seems to be a good deal. But compared with PluralSight,
where there is unlimited access to 1000+ professional quality classes
for $30-50/month, it is not a comparison.

Obviously, for PluralSight person needs to be self-motivated. Similarity is that both Udacity and PluralSight are venture-funded by about $20M+ so far... In a way Coursera is more similar to PluralSight, where one is driven by reputation, and other by money... O'Reilly SafariBooksOnline subscriptions also have videos, besides books.

But all those efforts are completely missing on content-contribution, there are no "Wikipedia-like" training systems (that I am aware of)... StackOverflow has questions and answers, and is a great resource, but not organized for systematic learning, for for ad-hock...

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