Wednesday, December 04, 2013

ServiceStack goes commecial

Demis Bellot @ Google+:
"To ensure its long-term sustainability, ServiceStack will transition to an annually-supported paid product similar to Xamarin's products. Starting from the next major v4.0 release of ServiceStack.* on NuGet, which will be the first commercial-only binary distribution (with an exception for OSS projects and a "free-tier" for small projects)."

They also changed the logo, from green leaf to (shark?) fin. 

Pricing Snapshot of 12/4/2013 9:56:21 PM
And while I was checking the price, got and error 
"Error Code: NullReferenceException"
at least the error was available in various formats: json xml csv jsv  :)

$199 - $1899 / developer / year... read "Enterprise" price.
It could make sense when developer productivity is measured...

(free open source) ASP.NET Web API is starting to look more interesting... 

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