Thursday, December 19, 2013

Evolution of the Netflix API: REST => Rx

Evolution of the Netflix API @ InfoQ
"Netflix API evolved from a typical one-size-fits-all RESTful API designed to support public developers into a web service platform optimized to handle the diversity and variability of each device and user experience. The talk will also address the challenges involving operations, deployment, performance, fault-tolerance, and rate of innovation at massive scale."

Based on ideas from Microsoft'x Rx (Reactive Extensions),
Netflix engineers have developed Java port, and replaced REST based APIs
with new custom, device-centic API's that are "callbacks" based.

While REST is easy to use, it could become "chatty" with complex data model...

Functional Reactive Programming in the Netflix API @ InfoQ

The Netflix Tech Blog: Functional Reactive in the Netflix API with RxJava

Netflix/RxJava @ GitHub

Observer pattern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reactive Extensions @ MSDN

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