Tuesday, December 03, 2013

China's 10-year plan "mono-culture"

China Chooses Change In Ten-Year Outlook | On Point with Tom Ashbrook:

There used to be 5-year communist plans... now it is 10-year plan for China.
It may be a good fit for a compliant culture...
Without details, it would sound better if called a 10-year "vision".

(A good thing is that China's politicians listen to engineers... :)

From history, and agriculture,  a "mono-culture" is a dangerous thing, even when it is efficient...

File:Tractors in Potato Field.jpg

Monoculture and the Irish Potato Famine: cases of missing genetic variation
Diverse and cloned potato patches

With diversity (i.e. of  ideas), when some inevitably fail, some succeed...
If there is only one thing and that fails, there is nothing left.

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