Sunday, November 10, 2013

"NewSQL", Google "F1", Cloudera "Impala"

SQL Makes a Comeback through NewSQL: @ InfoQ

"After losing ground to NoSQL – initially perceived as “No more SQL”, and later as “Not only SQL”, the old SQL knows a comeback these days. One of the advertised solutions has been sharding, but for some this is not enough. 

New ways have to be found, some of them combining the two technologies, SQL and NoSQL, others by improving the performance and scalability capabilities of relational stores, all of these being known as NewSQL. 

Google, one of the first supporters of NoSQL, built F1, a distributed relational database combining the high availability and scalability of BigTable with the “consistency and usability” of SQL. 

Google describes F1 in the whitepaper F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales (PDF) as:… a fault-tolerant globally-distributed OLTP and OLAP database built at Google as the new storage system for Google's AdWords system. It was designed to replace a sharded MySQL implementation that was not able to meet our growing scalability and reliability requirements."
F1 Underlying Storage - Spanner
Descendant of Bigtable, Successor to Megastore

Man Busts Out of Google, Rebuilds Top-Secret Query Machine | Wired Enterprise |
"At Google, Marcel Kornacker oversaw the development of the F1 ...
(and then) left Google,... because he wanted to build something everyone could use.  In Cloudera... he basically rebuilt this query engine for use with Hadoop and Hbase" as "Impala"

Cloudera Impala is an open source Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) query engine that runs natively on Apache Hadoop.

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