Friday, November 08, 2013

F# vs. Scala

The F# Software Foundation   vs.  The Scala Programming Language

An Unbiased Comparison of F# and Scala - Tim Kellogg
"Scala is a more approachable language than F# but F# has a stronger sense of type safety. F# also has a much stronger type inference system, which leads to less type annotations. Regardless, I think Scala will recieve a much broader uptake given that it has a much more familiar syntax to C/C++/Java/C# developers. On some level, I like to think of Scala as being more of “a better C#” than “like F#”. Each will have it’s uses, but I think Scala will go far because of that."

TechNeilogy: F# vs. Scala, My Take at Year Two:
"the choice of F# vs. Scala is probably determined by a single external factor: whether one is targeting the .NET ecosystem or the Java ecosystem. So the real-world debate is less likely to be F# vs. Scala than it is to be F# vs. C# or Scala vs. Java. "

Microsoft was supporting port of Scala to CLR/.NET,
but since release of F# that is not active anymore.
Scala on Microsoft .NET | The Scala Programming Language

F# is distributed with Visual Studio, and is also open source,
so it may already have more users than Scala, despite unusual F# syntax.

TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index
A (questionable) rank list of popularity of programming languages.

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