Sunday, September 01, 2013

Book: ‘The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet’

An optimistic view on the future, powered by innovation and market forces

#34. A Summary of ‘The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet’ by Ramez Naam | New Books in Brief

And the really wonderful thing about our ability to innovate is that, unlike natural resources, it does not shrink over time. Rather, it only expands. This is because innovation is built on ideas, and ideas themselves only grow and multiply. Ideas can even be shared without ever being diluted. Instead, the sharing of ideas often generates even more ideas. The power of ideas—and the innovation that goes along with it—truly is an infinite resource.

about author: Ramez Naam (scientist, ex Microsoft executive)

One observation from the book is that patents have enabled easier
sharing of ideas. Patents laws started in 1474 in Venice,
and this coincided with greatest expansion of technology, science and wealth creation...

Trouble is that the system of patents now really protects only biggest companies (Microsoft, Apple and similar).
From this book such semi-monopolistic system was main reason for China not to progress as fast as Europe, where a dynamic market of small players enabled fast evolution of ideas...

Time to improve market of ideas?

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