Saturday, May 04, 2013

Scaling Pinterest: Simplicity Wins

Pinterest has become 4th most popular social site, in mere 2 years.
Here is a presentation @ InfoQ with some "lessons learned":

Scaling Pinterest

DB Clustering is complex, Sharding is simpler, simpler is better.

The most interesting statement is on the very end:
on question how is data security protected for "guessing" URLs,
the (almost surprised) answer is: all data are public
Since all is public, there is noting to protect :)
(that is until recently, when they introduced "private" also).

By the way, there is even a $149 tool for creating "Pinterest clones",
that even has warning about "illegal copies", that would be clones of the clone :)
Imagine "impersonators of Elvis Presley impersonators" :)

No doubt Pinterest has succeeded. It is running on Amazon Web Services,
so there is an opportunity for a "clone" on Azure, as well as Netflix and YouTube clone on Azure :)

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