Sunday, December 02, 2012

Amazon's Jeff Bezos: Business Person of 2012 @ Fortune

Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon was named "Business Person of 2012" by Fortune Magazine.
Here is a insightful article about him and his way of doing "long-term", "customer-centered" business.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos: The ultimate disrupter - Fortune Management

Bezos likes to read. No PowerPoint.

...before senior management discussion begins, members of the team, including Bezos, read silently six-page printed memos in total silence for as long as 30 minutes.

Largest salary in Amazon: $165,000. CEO salary: $82,000. The compensation is mostly based on "restricted stock", so incentive for everybody is to keep stock valuable on the long run.

"You go to Amazon because there's something big going on"

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