Thursday, November 22, 2012

iOS App Store is a Race to the Bottom

Win8 Developers: Don’t Make the Terrible Mistake of Treating the Windows Store like the iOS App Store | MarkedUp - Analytics and Insights for Windows 8MarkedUp – Analytics and Insights for Windows 8

  1. The iOS app store is effectively a hit-driven market – if you’re not one of a small handful of winners, then you’re toast. That article was written in 2009 – it’s gotten only worse since.

  2. The App Store redesign introduced in iOS6 is a giant kick in the groin to developers – there’s not much visibility or discoverability for apps that are new and aren’t massively popular.

  3. It’s a race to the bottom when it comes to prices on the iOS app store – particularly for purchases made on iPhones.

The article has a good point, while it is also promoting a product MarkedUp created by the author.

Store-search is not a very good method to find, or promote an app.
"Social" element is by far more influential, where specialized apps are found from friends.
Certainly there is a plenty of space for innovation, so Windows Store has some chance,
as well as Google Play...

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