Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Innovation: What Every Developer Absolutely Needs to Know

Innovation: What Every Developer Absolutely Needs to Know: @ InfoQ

A nice overview of ideas from Innovators Dilemma,
applied to NoSQL database

The Innovator's Dilemma

Geoffrey Moore: "Crossing the Chasm"

Summary of "Crossing the Chasm" “What the early adopter is buying [is a] change agent. By being the first to implement this change in their industry, the early adopters expect to get a jump on the competition… They are also prepared to bear with the inevitable bugs and glitches.”

“By contrast, the early majority want to buy a productivity improvement for existing operations. … They want technology to enhance, not overthrow, the established ways of doing business.” And “they do not want to debug somebody else’s product.”

“early adopters do not make good references for the early majority. And because of the early majority’s concern not to disrupt their organizations, good references are critical to their buying decisions.”

Technology adoption lifecycle

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