Monday, May 28, 2012

SpaceX Dragon, Case for Mars, 100 years Startship

Today I happened to listen three great podcasts about space exploration.
Very inspirational and educational.
One of takeaways is huge importance of "big goals",
and one unexpected and even more important:
importance of (time/money) constraints for such goals.

The guests of podcasts explained

  • success of first private rocket by SpaceX that reached International Space Station, for a fraction of cost usually required for similar tasks.
  • What does it take and how it feels like to be an astronaut
  • "The case for Mars", why it is important and how to "put a man on the Mars"
  • An attempt to send man to another star, by a scientist and former astronaut.

Dot Net Rocks podcast: Carl and Richard are Back in Space!

"Explorations" podcast by Dr Michio Kaku:
Guest 1: Astronaut Tom Jones, Topic: Astronauts in space
Guest 2: Dr. Robert Zubrin, Topic: On to Mars

OnPoint radio podcast: The 100 Year Starship
Dr. Mae Jemison was the first black woman in space. Now, she’s leading a wildly ambitious project: to achieve interstellar travel in the next 100 years.


Dr. Robert Zubrin: The Case for Mars

Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, best-selling author, and popularizer of science. He’s the co-founder of string field theory (a branch of string theory), and continues Einstein’s search to unite the four fundamental forces of nature into one unified theory.

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