Monday, April 30, 2012

Microsoft Scott Guthrie on Open Source

Herding Code 142 – Scott Guthrie on the ASP.NET MVC, Web API, and Razor Open Source Announcement:

A very nice talk with ScottGu, Microsoft VP in charge of Web tools, including Azure and ASP.NET.

An interesting point is that ASP.NET MVC and related tools are now hosted on on CodePlex by using Git, while Azure SDK is hosted on GitHub, that is also using Git. This means that all check-ins from Microsoft developers are immediately visible to the world. And when ScottGu explains it, it all very much makes sense!

By the way, (a third-party open source project) Json.NET is now also being included in Microsoft distribution (and I guess support), along with jQuery *, Modernizr, etc. James Newton-King, the person who created Json.NET is also interesting: the subtitle of his blog is "No pressure, no diamonds"

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